New ACC President Dipti Itchhaporia Underscores Strengths of Global CV Community

“As president, my hope for – and my challenge to – ACC members for the next year and beyond is to not lose sight of our strengths or the sense of community that have grown out of our shared vulnerabilities and our shared sense of purpose,” writes Dipti Itchhaporia, MD, FACC, in her first JACC Leadership Page since becoming ACC president on April 1. Itchhaporia highlights the many strengths of the cardiovascular community “that have proved so critical to navigating the COVID-19 pandemic” in the past year, especially in the areas of digital transformation, medical innovation, and global collaboration. “I urge all of us not to forget these strengths and become complacent, but rather hone them further so that when we emerge on the other side of this pandemic, we are stronger, more focused, and more united around our shared vision of a world where innovation and knowledge optimize cardiovascular care and outcomes,” she writes. Read more. Also, don’t miss Itchhaporia and ACC Immediate Past President Athena Poppas, MD, MACC, as part of the ACC.21 virtual Convocation Ceremony on Monday, May 17.

Beth Denny