
North Carolina ACC - Chilean International Twinning Program

The American College of Cardiology created the Chapter Twinning Program to establish relationships and opportunities between ACC State Chapters and International Societies to exchange education and ideas. In 2018, the North Carolina Chapter established a program with the Chilean Society of Cardiology (SOCHICAR) and the faculty of the University of Chile of Medicine. The Chapter looks forward to further collaborations with academic institutions in Chile. The purpose of the program is to develop a wide variety of activities with a long-term focus on improving cardiovascular care in Chile and North Carolina.

SOCHICAR Conference - December 2022, Santiago, Chile

A highly successful in person conference was held for the first time in three years since the start of the pandemic in Santiago, Chile. Over 700 were in attendance were in attendance including two joint sessions between ACC and SOCHICAR. One bilateral session was held ACC-SOCHICAR on December 3 with Dr. Sepulveda, SOCHICAR President Elect, Dr. Dapelo, Dr. Hadley Wilson (ACC President Elect), Dr. Rossel. Dr. Concepcion and Dr. Lanas.

Dr. Dapelo will take over as the ACC-Chilean Governor during ACC.23.

In future planning, all are highly interested in continuing twinning program with NC ACC and NC will host two attending cardiologists and two fellows at NC/SC ACC 30th Annual Joint Meeting in Asheville, NC, September 22-24, 2023.

Five bi-monthly webinars with NC ACC have been held in 2022 and four have been scheduled for 2023, cardiology fellows and interpreters will also be present.

A FIT Jeopardy will be created for Chile in 2023.

Overall, everyone is eager to get SOCHICAR more involved with ACC and thrilled with the strong relationship with NC ACC chapter through Dr. Jorge Alegria in Charlotte (NC ACC councilor) and Dr. Gaston Dussailant in Santiago.

NCCACC - Chilean International Twinning Program

May 3-4, 2019
Santiago, Chile


Highlights from the Symposium include:

Dr. Michael Elliot presented at Clinica Las Condes. His talk was the role of Cardiac MRI and CT in the diagnosis of Cardiomyopathies. The team visited Clinical las Condes on May 2nd and participated in a session with cardiologists from Clinica Las Condes. Clinical cases were presented by team from Chile .

The Symposium was recorded and will be available in Spanish.

Amy Winiger presented on the role of ACP in Cardiovascular Care Teams. In Chile there is no training for ACPs and the presentation gave a very important overview that was received with much interest.

Dr. Gibbs interacted with ER Physicians from University of Chile, gave lectures and will continue this interaction. When the program was established with the University of Chile and the Chilean Society of Cardiology, the idea was to have other specialties involved and Dr. Gibbs has solidified this part of the relationship with Chile

UniversidadChilelogo (1).jpg

Sponsors in Chile

Laboratorio Saval

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